Ugh.....once again it has been a while. So now it's time to play catch up. I am apologizing now for the number of posts on one day, what can I say, I haven't blogged since Christmas. I am sure, like you can imagine, life's been busy.
Christmas was great this year, it's great every year but when you're prepared months in advance, it's REALLY great. Target does their mark down in the toy section, a few times a year, and this time I really took advantage. I was very patient, and waited for the toys to become 75%, and then loaded up. I ended up getting a few cart loads of toys, and spent less than $5 per toy. I was proud of myself, what can I say...easily pleased! There still happens to be a negative to all of this we have so many stinking toys!!! It took days after Christmas to organize everything, find a spot for everything, and then eventually put it all away. It was great though, the kids enjoyed it, and that's all that matters.
Here are a few pics from Abuelitas on Christmas Eve...
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