Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"Mooit Mooit"

The boys really love dancing to one of 'Madagascars' songs, 'I like to move it, move it'. I am sure most of you know the song. Elam really gets a kick out of it. Whenever we are on the computer he wants us to play what he calls "mooit mooit"(we usually YouTube it). Anyhow, one day a few weeks ago while we were out running errands, we stopped at the store and I ran in and left Will in the car with the kids. They were listening to songs on Radio Disney when "mooit mooit" came on. Aiden started dancing, he likes to shake his butt like the hippo from the YouTube video, and Will started recording. Here it is.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Feeding the Giraffes!

The Phoenix Zoo has a new area open where you can view the giraffes even closer than before. We got to check it out as a family not to long ago when Will took the day off. It was really cool to be so close and able to touch them. They also allow you to feed the giraffes for a small fee, so we asked Aiden if he wanted to do it, and he was really excited about it. That excitedness (if that's a word) quickly turned into nerves when it was time to perform. Daddy stepped in and helped. Here are a few pictures of our day at the zoo.

Love the Science Center!

My work is done! Last week was my last week of helping at Willbert's work. Sariah came back after having her baby and the other lady comes back tomorrow from vacation. Like I have posted in the past, we have been keeping busy, busy, busy! I was recently going through some photos that I have been meaning to play with, and came across some from the science center and the zoo. The kids really love the science center. We could probably hang out there all day, if I would let them. They have had a lego exhibit up for a few months now, and now are changing it to a 'Robots' exhibit (we are looking forward to checking that out this week). Here are a few shots of the lego exhibit where the kids enjoy being kings and queens.

By the way, check out Aidens mouth in the last shot. We were playing in the computer room and he climbed on the bench, got a little excited and
miscalculated or something. Long story short, slammed his face into the table! This knocked his front tooth pack just a hair, bruised his gums pretty bad, and gave him a mean fat lip! He handled it like a trooper though!!!