Friday, August 28, 2009

Elams getting BIGGER!

It is just amazing to me how when kids get to a certain age, everything just starts clicking. I totally think its this walking thing, when they can start walking, they are all of a sudden smarter and aware of things. I know that sounds dumb, but I swear its true. Elam is discovering all of these new things, he is getting his own personality, and learning anything he can wrap his little brain around. He wants to walk everywhere now, he wants do be doing anything his big brother is doing, and he doesn't want you to hold him back. He is trying to say so many things, mom and dad are his favorite of course, but not far behind is 'caca'.(yes its what you think it is) It all started one day when I was changing his diaper after he had went (what we call in our house) 'caca'. He thought it was entertaining when I was making faces and telling him how smelly his 'caca' was. He then proceeded to repeat the word 'caca', I cracked up because it was hilarious, and he continues to say it because he sees it is getting a good reaction out of mom. Now his big thing is to say 'caca', laugh hysterically, and repeat over and over again. (I have to admit, I still crack up)
I just love this age though, he learns something new every day. That is precisely why I am going to get better at this blogging thing, I want remember all of these accomplishments of his. I want to remember how he points at everything he wants and smiles, how he likes to line up write behind brother to get his hair done too, or how he gets excited when brother lets him play with his game boy or dads PS3. I really love this age, kids really come into their own.
Here's a few pics of Elam enjoying his age just as much as we are. He loves to feed himself, we would probably let him more often if it weren't so messy. And like I said before, he will do anything his brother is doing, so here are a few pics from the AZ Science Center.

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