Monday, August 10, 2009

"Crazy, Funny, Silly Faces"

I ♥ Faces "Crazy, Funny, Silly Faces"

If you have noticed, I have really began taking pictures a lot!! Every chance I get, I pull out the camera and snap little moments in time. I know I have a long way to go, but I am really enjoying myself as I search new angles and get different ideas of where and what to shoot. I have really began following this site, I ♥ Faces, since I came across it on another blog that takes really good pictures (thanks Lori). Anyway, they have weekly contests, and this week they are asking for "crazy, funny, silly faces". This picture, one of the many I came across, just makes me laugh. This is the same face I get from my little one every time I try to take his picture outside. It doesn't matter if we are in the shade or in the sun, his little nose scrunches up, telling me it is to way too bright outside for him. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Check out for some more "crazy, funny, silly faces", or if you just want to see some really cool pics!!


  1. tee it. sure looks like he smells something bad. :)

    have a happy week.

  2. What a contrast! He's so funny, sitting there with that face and hair, next to his prim-and-proper brother! Definitely a keeper. I think you'll enjoy I ♥ Faces, welcome.
