Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Aiden and his dad's shoe horn

Aiden loves to play swords with his dad's shoe horn. I don't really even get the whole purpose of the shoe horn. Willbert has had one since we have been married, it makes it easier to put your shoe on??? Or people are just lazy and don't want to untie their shoe, so they keep them tied, hence the shoe horn. I don't know, either way, to Aiden its a perfect sword. He was looking for it in his dad's closet when he got distracted and started trying on dad's shoes. I ran and got the camera, cute photo opportunity. Here are a few. Deciding what to wear of Dad's
I strongly dislike these sandals, but his little feet are too cute!


  1. Those are adorable pics! It looks like he was having fun in Dad's closet; what a cutie :)

    Have a great day,

  2. Very cute. These sandals remind me of a pair Scotty used to have....they "disappeared" shortly after we got married.
