Monday, July 13, 2009


Wow! I now feel a little relieved. There has been so much going on this past week, I just never felt like I got a break. I was going and going and get the drift. Anyway, a lot went on! Most of the week I was preparing for Elams birthday party which we had on Saturday, and then we did a few other things in between. Friday, we met my whole family for a surprise birthday dinner for my oldest brother Cameron. It was really nice! All of my brothers and sisters and mom and dad met up, and we all had dinner at Carlos O' Brians. It was the first time in a while that all of our schedules clicked and we were able to get together. After dinner we drove over to Cameron and his wife's to see their house. It was nice, a great evening with family.
The night continued when I got home, as I stayed up until about 2 a.m. working on my talk for church on Sunday. I had to get it done in time for Willbert to translate it into Spanish. Saturday continued to be crazy, as we got up early to prepare for Elams party. But before we could finish that I had to leave for a baby shower at 12.(tell me about it, I don't know what kept me going) Ooh, for the gifts for the baby shower, it was a double shower, a friend and I made nursing covers. My sister-n-law gave me one right before Elam was born, and it has been the thing I have used the most with him. It is now my official baby shower gift. They are pretty easy to make, and don't end up to expensive(all you need is 1 yard of fabric and those little metal things). I also like to make diaper cakes to go with the cover up, they always turn out so cute! I meant to take a picture, but with everything going on, of course I forgot. So, we were just super busy this weekend, and I am so glad it is over! We've got lots going on for the rest of the month, with birthdays and weddings and more birthdays. Who knew July was such a exciting month?!!

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