Saturday, July 18, 2009

Family Pictures

I have been bugging my husband for months, maybe years now, to get family pictures taken. He always gives me some sore excuse why he doesn't want to get them done. He doesn't mind getting the boys pictures taken, but doesn't want any of him taken. He keeps telling me as soon as he loses this extra weight, we will get pics taken. Well this extra weight has been a part of us for about 4 years now, so you can imagine what I am thinking. (this is never going to happen!!!!) Well, guess what, we took some! We took them ourselves, and didn't get very many because it was 110 degrees outside, but I like them. And come on, you can't be picky when they are the only ones you've got RIGHT?! By the way, in case you are wondering, he still hasn't lost the weight, I had to do a little bribing. You see my husband had been wanting to go to the movies for a few weeks now to see Transformers 2. He wanted to take Aiden because he liked the first one but also wanted me to go. That only left us with what to do with Elam. Well, I told him we would all go, if we just stopped and took a few pictures on the way to the theaters. He concurred!!! Here are some of the pictures that were taken, I'm hoping we can get some more when this weather cools down. Oh and Elam, he went, I just kept him up most of the morning/early afternoon so he would be tired and ready to take his nap during the movie. It worked, both kids did really well.


  1. All great picture, but I LOVE the one of you with the kids.

  2. Gorgeous pictures! But then again, you had some cute subjects to work with :)
